Månadens medlemsevent – GYROKINESIS® med Elodie

I maj bjuder vi in dig som är klubbmedlem hos oss att prova GYROKINESIS® som är en närbesläktad träningsform till garuda och pilatestekniken.

Syftet med GYROKINESIS®  är att stärka, stimulera och mobilisera kroppens hela system med flytande, mjuka och cirkulära rörelsesekvenser sittande på stol samt med övningar på golvet. Medlemseventet undervisas av Elodie Labonne som i grunden är tangolärare men som genom GYROKINESIS® ville fördjupa sig i rörelseteknik och tension release-teknik. Klassen hålls på engelska.

GYROKINESIS® classes can be adapted to fit anyone’s ability. People from all walks of life take Gyrokinesis classes, including accomplished athletes, fitness enthusiasts, senior citizens, and people recovering from an injury or dealing with a disability. By the end of a GYROKINESIS® session, one’s entire system is awakened and brought into greater balance. Focus on the breath stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system, resulting in a sense of calm, well-being and mental clarity.
Classes often start seated on a stool and a guided self-massage followed with floor series. A class usually ends with standing aerobic exercises.

The method promotes the principle of moving within the comfort zone, in a way that feels good and safe for the body and mind. Through the whole session, we highlight the pleasurable sensations of the movement.

As a result, the joints lubricate and warm-up gently. Meanwhile, the spinal motions help to re-pattern inefficient habits and reduce muscle imbalances safely. Progressively, the range of motions increases in a relaxed body and with a calm state of mind.

A   GYROKINESIS® class usually leaves the participants balanced, energized, in their body and mind, as well as with an unusual sense of openness in the body.

Om Elodie: Elodie started to work as a Tango Teacher in 2014. As she was searching for a method to deepen her understanding of movement technique and tension release, she came across GYROKINESIS® in 2016. In 2019 she completed her teacher certification and introduces this method, completely new to Göteborg. In her classes, she creates a warm and relaxed atmosphere and guides the participants in the joy of moving and being in the body. Läs mer om Elodie här.

Datum: måndag 25 maj kl.17.00- 18.00

Bokning: Medlemseventet är kostnadsfritt för dig som är klubbmedlem och bokas i din Wondr wall under Medlemsevent.
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