Medlemsevent i augusti – Yoga med Camilla Bergström


Onsdag den 5 augusti kl 17.30-19.00 bjuder vi på en specialklass i Yoga med Camilla Bergström!

Over the last few years Camilla’s focus has been on Wellness and Lifestyle Yoga, a practice to deepen your understanding to your relationship between mind and body. In her classes you will discover by making small shifts mentally it will help you build strength physically, undo blocked energy to enhance the quality of your practice and bring it into your life. Begin today to ENJOY your body, be curious how you can do the  yoga poses in a fun and empowering way rather than with preasure and force.
Camilla is passionate about helping people to better their life in a simple, honest and compassionate way.

OBS! Begränsat antal platser.Först till kvarn gäller. Eventet är gratis för alla medlemmar.
